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What’s Included

This is a 6-week private coaching intensive, where you and I will work together to manifest all of your desires.

In this program, you will have access to me so you can get all of your questions answered.

What this Entails

Weekly Imagination Sessions together via FB Messenger or Whatsapp

Unlimited Manifestation Texting Coaching with me Monday-Friday to ask me all of your manifestation questions during the week

Neville Techniques that we will do together to enhance your manifestation skills

Weekly homework assignments and lectures to read to strengthen your knowledge in the Law of Assumption and become a master at manifesting all of your desires

VIP & Priority Coaching Support which means your text messages get flagged as high-priority & come first before any other client messages or messages in my Facebook messenger

How it Works

During our 6-week intensive, you will have access to my coaching calendar so you can schedule your weekly Imagination Sessions which are held via text and voice memos.

You will also have access to me via your Facebook Messenger, or Whatsapp where you can text me whenever you want, and I will answer all of your manifestation questions.

During our sessions together, I will assign you homework assignments including materials to review which may include courses and videos to watch and lectures to read, along with Neville lessons including techniques to enhance your manifesting power.


When you enroll in this program, you will also receive the following bonuses & courses at no additional cost to you:

-Manifest Your Specific Person Six-Week Course $997 value

-Become a Money-Making Manifestation Coach Course $15k value

-1-Year Access to the Manifestation Membership Portal (this is a special new membership club that will be released in early January where you will have unlimited access to many digital manifestation products) $3k value

Full name*


Payment method*


By continuing you agree to terms and conditions

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