New! Learn How to Manifest Infinite Riches with my new book!

Get the book on sale for just $17 in my limited-time offer!

What others are saying about Nina's books:

If you ever wanted to learn how to manifest money even when you only have a dollar to your name, this is the book.

I would like to invite you to take a powerful and transformative journey with me as you learn how to transform and expand your wealth consciousness.

You were born infinitely wealthy and you have something so powerful that you can use on a daily basis to manifest whenever you want...

Come join me and discover the innate capabilities that you already possess so that you can live the life of your dreams and never have to worry about money again.

In this book, you will learn:

• How to crowd out all ideas of lack and transform your mind into a wealth-making machine
• How to manifest anything you want using your powerful innate capabilities that you already possess
• How to manifest an exact sum of money by a specific deadline
• How to manifest money on repeat whenever you want it
• How to expand your wealth consciousness
• Ideas for manifesting & making $100k months & beyond
• Specific techniques that will help you tap into your unlimited abundance & wealth

• Includes journalling exercises & more



($39 VALUE)


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Hi there!

I’m Nina and I am a manifestation and business coach and my specialty is working with others using the Law of Assumption in order to help people manifest what they want.

The law of assumption was founded by the American mystic, Neville Goddard.

It is a manifestation process that involves assuming something to be already to be true of yourself so that it can manifest into your reality.

Recently, a lot of people have been coming to me because they want to manifest wealth, love, and abundance into their lives and our work together has been powerful.

We imagine lovely scenes of them in their new reality, and soon it actually manifests into their reality.

It's amazing how all of this works.

And now, I am going to share with you how you can do it too with the help of this book that I’ve put together for you.


“Nina I’ve said it before - you are a marvel!”

-Liz W.

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