Dream Body Manifestation Bundle

Have you been trying to lose weight & get in shape,

but you can’t seem to

get yourself motivated to do anything?

Are you tired of buying workout and diet programs only to let them collect dust?

Do you keep promising yourself that you’re going to lose weight and that your new diet and exercise program starts on Monday and that THIS time you will finally stick with it and finally commit?

Manifesting your dream body first starts with an identity shift.

This is why you haven’t been able to lose weight or commit to any type of weight-loss program.

You need an identity shift so that you can
melt the weight off effortlessly and manifest your dream body.

Listen to the affirmation tape inside the Dream Body Bundle to manifest your dream body.

What’s included with the Dream Body Meditation Bundle:

Dream Body Affirmation Tape to listen to that will help you lose weight effortlessly

☆ Transcript of the affirmation tape

☆ Three bonuses including Neville Goddard Quotes for Healing & Change, The Body That I Want

☆ Worksheet & special affirmations to help you lose weight.




The Dream Body Manifestation Bundle will be delivered immediately to listen to on your own time. In addition, you receive all your bonuses to download. If you have any questions regarding your purchase, please DM me on Facebook.

With All The Bonuses As My Gift of Support - a value of $300


Neville Goddard Quotes for
Healing & Change ($150 value)

This is a specially curated collection of essential Law of Assumption quotes directly from the writings of Neville Goddard that specifically address manifesting body changes.

Each quote in this guide has been selected to remind you of key law of assumption principles as relates to healing and physical changes.

You can start off each day reading each quote in order or you can select quotes according to which resonates the most for your day.

In addition, selecting some quote titles will take you to Neville’s complete lecture on my blog.


The Body I Want Worksheet
($75 value)

This worksheet is designed to prompt you to create the image of your ideal body as you would like it to be and serves as a foundation for your wish-fulfilled state.

Envisioning your dream body is essential for the identity shift that enables your transformation in the 3D world.

It is the key to keeping you in the end state and ensures that you stay accountable to your assumption.


Dream Body Affirmations ($75 value)

Affirmations are statements we say to ourselves that can shift our state in ways that can change our world.

Neville Goddard said, "The transformation of self requires that we meditate on a given phrase, a phrase which implies that our ideal is realized, and inwardly affirm it over and over and over again until we are inwardly affected by its implication until we are possessed by it. Hold fast to your noble inner convictions or "conversations."

But he also said that simply repeating phrases without deep feeling or assuming the end state does not work.

That is why I created these Dream Body affirmations, to help you to reach the wish-fulfilled state with deep feeling to keep you on track to manifest your ideal body.

Manifest Your Dream Body with Nina

Hi there!

I’m Nina and I am a manifestation and business coach and my specialty is working with others using the Law of Assumption in order to help people manifest what they want.

The law of assumption was founded by the American mystic, Neville Goddard.

It is a manifestation process that involves assuming something to be already to be true of yourself so that it can manifest into your reality.

Recently, a lot of people have been coming to me because they want to manifest wealth, love, and abundance into their lives and our work together has been powerful.

We imagine lovely scenes of them in their new reality, and soon it actually manifests into their reality.

It's amazing how all of this works.

And so I created this Dream Body Manifestation Bundle to give you all the tools that I give my private clients to manifest your ideal body.

Start Manifesting Your Dream Body on Repeat Now

Get Instant Access to Your Dream Body Affirmation Tape Bundle Now

Get it now and start manifesting your dream body.



“Nina I’ve said it before - you are a marvel!”

-Liz W.

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